The Relation Of The I Q To The Quality Of The Child's School Work
The school work of 504 children was graded by the teachers on a scale of
five grades: _very inferior_, _inferior_, _average_, _superior_, and
_very superior_. When this grouping was compared with that made on the
basis of I Q, fairly close agreement was found. However, in about one
case out of ten there was rather serious disagreement; a child, for
example, would be rated as doing _average_ school work when his I Q
d place him in the _very inferior_ intelligence group.
When the data were searched for explanations of such disagreements it
was found that most of them were plainly due to the failure of teachers
to take into account the age of the child when grading the quality of
his school work. When allowance was made for this tendency there
were no disagreements which justified any serious suspicion as to the
accuracy of the intelligence scale. Minor disagreements may, of course,
be disregarded, since the quality of school work depends in part on
other factors than intelligence, such as industry, health, regularity of
attendance, quality of instruction, etc.