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Adhering To Formula
It cannot be too strongly emphasized that unless we follow a standardized procedure the tests lose their significance. The danger is chiefly that of unintentionally and unconsciously introducing variations which will affect the meaning of the test. ...
Aesthetic Comparison
Use the three pairs of faces supplied with the printed forms. It goes without saying that improvised drawings may not be substituted for Binet's until they have first been standardized. PROCEDURE. Show the pairs in order from top to bottom. Say: "...
Alternative Test 1: Naming Six Coins
PROCEDURE is exactly as in VI, 5 (naming four coins). The dollar should be shown before the half-dollar. SCORING. _All six coins must be correctly named._ If a response is changed the rule is to count the second answer and ignore the first. REM...
Alternative Test 1: Naming The Days Of The Week
PROCEDURE. Say: "_You know the days of the week, do you not? Name the days of the week for me._" Sometimes the child begins by naming various annual holidays, as Christmas, Fourth of July, etc. Perhaps he has not comprehended the task; at any rate, ...
Alternative Test 1: Naming The Months
PROCEDURE. Simply ask the subject to "_name all the months of the year_." Do not start him off by naming one month; give no look of approval or disapproval as the months are being named, and make no suggestions or comments of any kind. When the m...
Alternative Test 1: Repeating Six Digits
The digit series used are 3-7-4-8-5-9; and 5-2-1-7-4-6. The PROCEDURE and SCORING are the same as in VII, 3, except that only two trials are given, one of which must be correct. The test is somewhat too easy for year 10 when three trials are given...
Alternative Test 2: Counting The Value Of Stamps
PROCEDURE. Place before the subject a cardboard on which are pasted three 1-cent and three 2-cent stamps arranged as follows: 111222. Be sure to lay the card so that the stamps will be right side up for the child. Say: "_You know, of course, how muc...
Alternative Test 2: Repeating Three Digits Reversed
PROCEDURE. The digits used are: 2-8-3; 4-2-7; 5-9-6. The test should be given after, but not immediately after, the tests of repeating digits forwards. Say to the child: "_Listen carefully. I am going to read some numbers again, but this time I w...
Alternative Test 2: Repeating Twenty To Twenty-two Syllables
The sentences for this year are:-- (a) "_The apple tree makes a cool, pleasant shade on the ground where the children are playing._" (b) "_It is nearly half-past one o'clock; the house is very quiet and the cat has gone to sleep._...
Alternative Test 2: Writing From Dictation
PROCEDURE. Give the child pen, ink, and paper, place him in a comfortable position for writing, and say: "_I want you to write something for me as nicely as you can. Write these words: 'See the little boy.' Be sure to write it all: 'See the little b...
Alternative Test 3: Construction Puzzle A (healy And Fernald)
MATERIAL. Use the form-board pictured on page 279. This may be purchased of C. H. Stoelting & Co., Chicago, Illinois. A home-made one will do as well if care is taken to get the dimensions exact. Quarter-inch wood should be used. The inside of the f...
Alternative Test: Forenoon And Afternoon
PROCEDURE. If it is morning, ask: "_Is it morning or afternoon?_" If it is afternoon, put the question in the reverse form, "_Is it afternoon or morning?_" This precaution is necessary because of the tendency of some children to choose always the la...
Alternative Test: Giving Age
PROCEDURE. The formula is simply, "_How old are you?_" The child of this age is, of course, not expected to know the date of his birthday, but merely how many years old he is. SCORING. About the only danger in scoring is in the failure to verify ...
Alternative Test: Repeating Three Digits
PROCEDURE. Use the following digits: 6-4-1, 3-5-2, 8-3-7. Begin with two digits, as follows: "_Listen; say 4-2_." "_Now, say 6-4-1_." "_Now, say 3-5-2_," etc. Pronounce the digits in a distinct voice and with perfectly uniform emphasis at a rate jus...
Alternative Test: Repeating Twelve To Thirteen Syllables
The three sentences are:-- (a) "_The boy's name is John. He is a very good boy._" (b) "_When the train passes you will hear the whistle blow._" (c) "_We are going to have a good time in the country._" PROCEDURE. Get the child's attention ...
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Alternative Test 1: Naming The Months