Superior Intelligence (i Q 110 To 120)

Children of this group ordinarily make higher marks and are capable of making

somewhat more rapid progress than the strictly average child. Perhaps most of them

could complete the eight grades in seven years as easily as the average

child does in eight years. They are not usually the best scholars, but

on a scale of excellent, good, fair, poor, and failure they will usually

rank as good, though of course the degree of application
s a factor. It

is rare, however, to find a child of this level who is positively

indolent in his school work or who dislikes school. In high school they

are likely to win about the average mark.

Intelligence of 110 to 120 I Q is approximately five times as common

among children of superior social status as among children of inferior

social status; the proportion among the former being about 24 per cent

of all, and among the latter only 5 per cent of all. The group is

made up largely of children of the fairly successful mercantile or

professional classes.

The total number of children between 110 and 120 is almost exactly the

same as the number between 80 and 90; namely, about 15 per cent. The

distance between these two groups (say between 85 and 115) is as great

as the distance between average intelligence and border-line deficiency,

and it would be absurd to suppose that they could be taught to best

advantage in the same classes. As a matter of fact, pupils between

110 and 120 are usually held back to the rate of progress which the

average child can make. They are little encouraged to do their best.

