Alternative Tests: Repeating Seven Digits

This time, as in year X, only two series are given, one of which must be

repeated without error. The two series are: 2-1-8-3-4-3-9 and

9-7-2-8-4-7-5. Note that in none of the tests of repeating digits is it

permissible to warn the subject of the number to be given.

REMARKS. Binet originally placed this test in year XII, giving three

trials, but later moved it to year XV. Goddard and Kuhlmann retain it in

year XII. Our data show that when three trials are given the test is too

easy for year XIV, but that it fits this age when only two trials are

allowed; that after the age of 12 or 14 years memory for relatively

meaningless material, like digits or nonsense syllables, improves but

little; and that above this level it does not correlate very closely

with intelligence.

